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Once you have confirmed with your Home Care Package provider that you would like Top Nosh Meals to provide your discounted meals,  your provider will contact us to set up an account for you. We will contact you via phone to organise your first order. We will ask if you will be using the phone or the web site to order. If you wish to order on line, we'll have the discount set up on your account online. YOU MUT RING US BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR FIRST ORDER INORDER TO RECEIVE THE DISCOUNT. 
To register your Home Care Package with Top Nosh, you need to contact your Care provider to confirm your eligibility for discounted meals. If you are eligible, you simply need to inform them that you'd like your meals through Top Nosh Meals. Your Home Care Provider will then contact us to confirm your details and we'll set you up with a linked account.
No, you don't require a Home Care Package to shop with Top Nosh. However, if you do have a Home Care Package, you can charge up to 70% of your orders to your Package and save.
Home Care Packages are in-home care & services for seniors that are funded (either in part or in full) by the Australian Government. Level 3 Home Care Packages (HCP Level 3 or HCP3) are designed to support people who have intermediate-level care needs.

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